

All FlexiPurchase screens have a consistent look and feel, allowing you and your team to quickly navigate the system with ease and efficiency. The dynamic online help directory guides users through simple and more complex tasks wherever necessary. In addition, engaging pop-up help and information icons are available to further assist users and can be easily tailored to ensure specific messages reach your people - for example company policy requirements or updates on spend limits.

Simplifying the task of coding expenses and transactions for the general ledger further improves the user experience while ensuring accuracy, validity and control over submitted expenses are maintained.

How does FlexiPurchase support and simplify these coding requirements?

  • Users can set up and manage their own default general ledger codes. These default codes then pre-populate the coding for each transaction and can be altered in the Transaction Details screen.
  • Users can determine a list of 'favourites' for each general ledger code type or segment. This allows a regularly-used list of codes to be displayed at the point of validation, eliminating the need to search for the required code.
  • System Administrators are able to automatically allocate and update default general ledger codes using an interface file.

FlexiPurchase's user-friendly nature is evident across the entire solution - whether you're coding your transactions, generating a report, approving subordinate expenses or administering the program.

The interface throughout FlexiPurchase has been built to be intuitive, fast and user-friendly