

FlexiPurchase has a powerful workflow engine that can automatically route transactions for approval based on pre-determined rules and exceptions. Approval rules can be based on any characteristic of a transaction, spanning areas such as supplier information, employee details, transaction amounts, currency, taxation and so forth.

For example:

Any employee purchases over the amount of 500.00 that fall into the merchant category group of 'Hotels' can be automatically routed for approval by their direct manager, or set of managers.

The approval process built into FlexiPurchase is completely automated and is closely linked with the e-mail module to identify actions required by either the approving manager or employee making an expense claim.

The e-mail function allows managers to be automatically notified of required actions or instructions, for example, an e-mail could be sent, reminding them that they have approvals requiring attention.

Administrators also have the ability to e-mail groups of users to notify them when transactions have been either 'declined' or identified as 'more information required'. They can then use the online reporting feature to identify who has outstanding approvals to complete and take any necessary action.